Improvements to Frazier Suction Handles

31st May 2019
by Edward Sheppard

What is changing? With a growing demand for Fraziers, a second supply has been sourced from an established UK manufacturing partner and sterile product will be available week commencing 10 June 2019. They will use a different assembly method to join the handle and the tube. Initially this new supplier will make FSH2006, FSH2008, FSH2009…

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Rapid Diagnosis & Significant Savings with our Oral Biopsy Forceps

30th May 2019
by Edward Sheppard

Iain Nixon, ENT Surgeon in NHS Lothian presented a poster at the joint meeting of ENT Scotland/North of England in Edinburgh reporting on the successful outcome of using 50 of our Oral Biopsy Forceps. The study looked into performing biopsies during outpatient appointment under local anaesthetic instead of direct laryngoscopy with biopsy under general. The…

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