Our Business Managers Nick Price-Jones and Ian David, along with Marketing Assistant Frank Rimmer will all be attending The West of England Eye Unit Annual Meeting 2019 in The Great Hall, University of Exeter.

Over the course of the day Interesting topics of discussion include “Surgical Approaches to a Prognostic Biopsy of Choroidal Melanoma”, along with ways to deal with inherited retinal disease. As the day progresses talks will be held by a variety of experts in Ophthalmology from across the world.

We will be exhibiting our range of high-quality Single-use Ophthalmic instruments. Our Double Ended Punctum Dilator will be present at the event, with the ageing population in the UK, it is an instrument helping to meet the growing demand of people over 65. The Iris Scissors displayed ensure first time sharpness, manufactured to cut right to the tips. Our Needle Holders will also be on show, they have precise jaws that grip, eliminating the risk of blunted tips with more slippage, often associated with the reusable alternatives. Other instruments include the Kratz-Barraquer Eye Speculum, Kerrison Rongeur Punch with 90 degree up bite and Vannas Scissors.

For more information please contact marketing@dtrmedical.com.
