News » Company News » What are we Doing to Help & Support you?
What are we Doing to Help & Support you?

With growing awareness of the threat that COVID-19 poses to society, we fully understand the pressure that will be placed on healthcare providers across the country. It is therefore important that we act in the best interests of both you and your customers.
We are now working on multiple target areas to meet the challenge, and participating in Government and Healthcare initiatives to innovate rapid new solutions to achieve this.
We have adapted to better suit your needs; we can now offer you Cleanroom Assembly, Packing and Sterilisation of any equipment to ensure you meet the excessive demand throughout this time of uncertainty.
In addition, our range of Single-use Instruments provide Respiratory Suction products for airway clearance, such as: Micro Laryngeal, Broncoscopy, Yankauer and Frazier Suction Handles as well as our Clearway Suction Handle for the removal of foreign bodies.
For more information and to discuss further potential opportunities please contact