31st May 2017
by DTR Medical Ltd

The LLETZlearn® Training Simulator is a unique practical hands-on training device used to mimic realistic clinical scenarios for colposcopy and LLETZ/LEEP (Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone) procedures. In addition, it can benefit training in the taking of cervical, vaginal and vulval biopsies whilst using different types of instruments.

The reusable Simulator enables the trainee to learn how to perform procedures and gain the confidence and competence they need before working on a patient.  Developed in collaboration with Anna Barbour, Nurse Colposcopist and Gynaecology Outpatient Sister and Theresa Freeman-Wang, Consultant Gynaecologist, the LLETZlearn® Training Simulator provides excellence in colposcopy training.

‘Climbing the steep learning curve can no longer be done by trial and error, so it is necessary to explore, define and implement models of health professional training that do not expose the patient to preventable errors. One such model is simulation-based training.’  Source BMJ:

Since its launch in 2016, the Simulator has received praise from a global Gynaecology community, with commendation for its pioneering efforts in offering an innovative way to train.

Nick Myerson, Lead Colposcopist of Bradford Teaching Hospital talks about the clear benefits;

“The LLETZlearn® Training Simulator gives the novice Colposcopist or the Colposcopist whose training needs to be assessed, a huge advantage because they are working with a model that can deliver a practical benefit without the risks or the potential difficulties of working with a real patient”.

Miss Theodora Pepera, Consultant Gynaecologist at St George’s Foundation Trust Hospital, London and an accredited Colposcopist and Colposcopy trainer by the British Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, echoes the benefits of the LLETZlearn® Training Simulator and says;

“The advantage is that it allows you to use the same electro-surgical tools that you are actually going to use in the treatment. It therefore makes the training very realistic.”

Currently helping Ghana develop its cervical cancer screening programme, Miss Pepera and Dr Miren Turner held a LEEP training session in Battor and has had positive reactions to the Simulator, “I love the LLETZlearn®, and everyone who sees it in action thinks it’s great.”

Miss Deirdre Lyons, Consultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Lead Colposcopist at Imperial College London also felt that the major benefit of the Training Simulator is its authenticity;

 “The major benefit is that this is an authentic training simulator for cervical treatments.”

With the LLETZlearn® Training Simulator now available it raises the question – is it really ethical for inexperienced clinicians to go straight to performing procedures on the patient?

Anna Barbour says it’s difficult for new clinicians to know exactly what to do when carrying out procedures with certainty for the very first time, coupled with the fact that it is also challenging for trainees to truly know the extent of how to use new tools. These realities pointed directly to the fact that something was needed in order for both experienced and inexperienced clinicians to practice, to essentially create safer procedures for patients.

In agreement, Dr Grainne Flannelly, Lead Colposcopist at The National Maternity Hospital, Dublin, says, “it’s a real challenging step for trainees to go straight from diagnostic Colposcopy to treatment on real life individuals.”

Trainees who have used the Training Simulator have said that, “it’s much better to make your mistakes when learning on a simulator than a patient,” Kasia Maksym, Specialty Doctor, UCLH.

 Corene Veitch, Lead Colposcopy Nurse, Portland Hospital says the Simulator allows the trainee to refine their dexterity, The LLETZlearn® Training Simulator improves confidence and skill as there is no risk to the patient. You can try different techniques and hand positions safely. I would personally recommend it to all trainees and also to qualified Colposcopists who wish to learn a different or alternative procedure.”

Teresa Flavin, Nurse Colposcopist, Royal Free Hospital said, “[The LLETZlearn® Training Simulator] really helped my confidence. To be able to practice on a piece of tissue not on an actual patient was so beneficial.”

The clear benefit of the LLETZlearn® Training Simulator is that it offers practical training, to trouble shoot and gain experience with a range of procedures and tools, avoiding any uncomfortable events for the patient.

Manufactured by DTR Medical Ltd, an award winning Sterile Single-use instrument supplier, Managing Director Andrew Davidson says, “Practical training is necessary in an area like Colposcopy. A would-be Colposcopist must show confidence in-front of a patient. The idea of practicing away from a patient is innovative, it’s inspired and it’s a development project we were delighted to be part of”.

The LLETZlearn®Training Simulator is now available for purchase, for further information please contact DTR Medical Ltd 01792 704898 or email marketing@dtrmedical.com.

For more videos, please click here.

At DTR Medical, we are pleased to deliver ground-breaking design, manufacturing and innovation.


