13th August 2014
by DTR Medical Ltd

In recognition of the importance of sustainable procurement within the healthcare sector, DTR Medical recently participated in an independent, cross-sector financial, social and environmental supplier audit, helping customers to benchmark suppliers’ sustainability credentials with a Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (CIPS) Sustainability Index.

After being awarded their first sustainability index score, DTR Medical are proud to announce excellent scores across the “three pillars” for sustainability: Economic, Environmental and Social. Receiving an average ‘CIPS’ score of 87%, they were commended for their ‘Innovation Capacity’, ‘Business Integrity’ and ‘Environmental & Waste Management’.

DTR Medical continue to monitor these critical pillars of sustainability, providing customers with a better view of their supply chain whilst reducing supplier risk.

For inquiries relating to this article please contact Tim Christopher on +44 (0) 1792 797910 or
Email: tchristopher@dtrmedical.com.

For all the latest news from DTR Medical please follow on Twitter @dtrmedical and LinkedIn.
Associated links:
CIPS http://www.cips.org/en-GB/homepage/
CSI http://www.cips.org/en/CIPS-for-Business/Performance/CIPS-Sustainability-Index/
