As part of an ongoing collaboration with GVBM, DTR Medical’s products will be represented at the Annual Meeting of the European Eye Bank Association (EEBA) in Hannover from the 16th – 18th January.

Over the course of the three days, attendees will have the opportunity to learn about new developments that will help them in their daily activities, to share both their professional and scientific experiences; as well as joining forces with fellow specialists to establish and promote better standards of quality and safety. The main topics covered will be eliminating avoidable blindness, cell and tissue transplantation and health projects related to blindness, visual impairment and sight restoration.

At the event products from our NEW Ophthalmic range will be exhibited.  St Martins Forceps  will be displayed, these are an extremely effective instrument for holding scleral tissue before and after descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) lamella dissection and punching. Furthermore, our NEW Colibri Forceps Toothed will also be on show, a product ideal for holding flaps of corneal and sclera alongside being used for tying sutures. Other instruments presented at the 3 day event will include: Stevens Tenotomy Scissors, Iris Scissors, Westcott Scissors and Vannas Scissors for cutting sclera.

This will be the first time DTR Medical products will be exhibited on the Innovia stand, alongside other companies in the group such as Network Medical and Eagle Labs.

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